Serender Nedir? What is Serander?
Serender (Nayla, Paska) Karadeniz’in orta bölümlerinde ve özellikle Doğu Karadeniz köylerinde her evin yanında bulunan, yaklaşık 4×4, 4×6, 5×6 metre ebatlarında, direkler üstünde duran tamamı ahşap olan bir mısır (erzak) ambarıdır. Büyüklüğüne bağlı olarak 4, 6, ya da 8 direklidir. 180-200 cm. yüksekliğindeki direklerin tepesinde ortalama 50 cm. çapında yuvarlak teker bulunur. Böylece direği tırmanan farelerin Serendere girmesi önlenmiş olur. Serender’deki aralıklı çıtalardan yapılmış pencereler ise hava sirkülasyonu yaparak gıdaların kuru kalmasını sağlamaktadır. Serenderler genelde kestane ağacından, direkleri ise Ardıç, Pelit, Gürgen ağacından, köşe birleşimleri kurtboğazı geçme olarak, metal çivi kullanılmadan yapılmışlardır ve yüzlerce yıldan bu yana sapasağlam kalmışlardır. Kelime olarak Karadeniz Rumcasında (Bkz. Türk Dili Dergisi Sayı 630) Kseros= kuru, andiro= Sofa; Kurutma Yeri anlamına gelmektedir. (Kseranter= Hserander=Serander). Modern Yunanca’da da Kσέρανδίρώ=Ksirantirion olarak geçmektedir.
Serender’in Karadeniz’de yöreden yöreye değişen telaffuzları vardır: Serender, Serander, Sarenti, Serende, Serendi, Nayla, Naliya, Nalya, Paska, Pahça, Mazu, Mazi, Ambar, Bagen, Bageni, Tekir.
Tarih ve Kültür:
Karadeniz’de sivil halk mimarisinin (kırsal mimarinin) en güzel örneklerinden olan Serenderler, belirgin formunu 19.yüzyılın sonlarında buluyor. Oldukça kaba olan bu ilk örnekler, daha sonra 20.yy’ın ilk çeyreğinde oldukça yetkinleşmiş; işlevinin yanı sıra Serenderler estetik bir fenomen olarak da ele alınmıştır. Özellikle 1900-1955 yılları arasında yapılan Serenderlerin estetik ve teknik özellikleri yüksektir. Serenderler basit bir ahşap kulübe değildir; özgün bir mimariye ve tekniğe sahiptirler. Üzerlerinde oyma tekniği ile yapılmış zengin süslemeler vardır. İşte biz, yavaş yavaş ölmekte olan bu kültürü yaşatmak için ona yeni bir fonksiyon yükledik: Otantik Konaklama ve İşyeri… Serenderlerin turizmde konaklama amacıyla kullanılması için 1998 yılından buyana onlarca proje çizdik. Tarihi yeniden yarattık.
Serander is a corn (grain) warehouse, made by completely wood which does locate side of each house, particularly villages of Easthern Black Sea. The size is about 4×4 meter that it’s standing at the top of poles. The pole’s number changes from 4 to 6 or 8, according to the size of Serander. The diameter of 50 cm “wheels” located at the top of the poles which is a height of 180 cm. So this ‘wheel’ prevents the Mouse and insects to get into Serander which does climb to the poles very easily. The air circulation through windows made of spaced strips of Serander, does provide the corn (grain) to remain dry. Seranders usually were built by chesnut tree with the technique of interlaced at the corners, without using metal nails, that’s why, it has been remaining solid for hundred years. The word of Serander means according to the original language of BlackSea Greek is ( See Turkish Language Magazine, number 630 ) Kseros = dry, Andiro= drying place. ( Kseranter = Hseranter = Serander ). Today in Modern Greek name is Ksirantirion.
The examples of some serander’s history begins in the 18th century but Seranders actually were having the distinct form, as a phenomenon with “wheel” in the late 19th century.
Seranders were building the highly aesthetic and technical features, particularly, between the years of 1900-1955. They are not only simple wooden hut; have an unique architecture and technique. There are rich decorations on them which is carved by hand. This architectural culture is dying slowly, so we are trying to make a new image for Serander which that will be able to use for tourism purpose soon, rather than storage : as “authentic accommodation, shop, office” etc… We have drawn many projects to get serander’s live back and it is ready for service of tourism. At the same time this is re-creation of the history.
We do offer Serander for tourism, in this way, it has been saving from the dying the products of centuries-old culture. Serander will fulfill two basic functions to the tourism; accommodation & shop, It is possible to make 100, 300, 800-bed capacity and other tourist facilities, If Seranders are built collectively, as some examples; holiday resort, apart hotel, thermal facility, pension, youth camp, holiday and recreation camp,ecological village and meditation center. There is also availability to build the authentic shops or diffirent facilities with 2, 3 and 4 balconies, as examples; cafe, bar, restaurant. Serander is specific with Eastern Black Sea region but new designs we did, it can be built anywhere in accordance with good, to all over Turkey the purpose of “ Tourism Accommodation”. Serander is attracting a lot of interest , who has seen, impressesed it, as a functional, an aesthetic and authentic construction. In this sense, Serander will be an ideal structure for alternative tourism, that it will be able to use as residential or shop. Besides, from the perspective of investor; investing to Serander is, also investing to the cultural heritage, so it will be nostalgic, but at the same time, a new shining star whereever it is constructed.
First of all, Serander is a historical, cultural and artistic wooden structure, not only ordinary hut. Serander is an aesthetic structure as well as a functional, so it adds a beauty to whereever it is built. Seranders gives you the opportunity to make an unforgettable holiday and act freely in your small-house, within“a self-contained environment””without anyone’s eyed on.” Our Seranders manufactures completely wood, without using any metal nails which is the entirely interlaced technique, resistant to all kinds of weather conditions ( impregnated), earthquake-resistant which we recreated on the principal of historical and authentic architecture. It is possible to use from 40 to 50 years when impregnated. The scientific, static calculation and architectural drawing were made and finished it. The storey of roof is made of with heat and water insulation. Wall tickness is 6 cm, therefore inside of Serander is cool in the summer and warm in the winter. Serander occupies less space in the horizantal plane, so it’s easy to place it, among the trees in the forest area. High poles of Serander gives some possibilities to make available under it which can be used as a camellia or lovely pool. If desired, it is able to make the place of the toilet, bath and kitchen into carcass. The diameter of 56 cm “wheel” which is at the top of the poles prevents all insects to the entering in it.
The entire top floor can be able to use as a bedroom ( or possible divided several sections) to the pattern of roof-storey duplex. There are a lot of types of Seranders in terms of size and sight, as single, double, triple and for family as well. There are currently more than 80 patterns, we did design ,as the Black Sea Serander. The average sizes of Seranders are 3×3, 4×4 or 4×5 meters. It is possible to build Serander suites with the original decoration. Serander is an aesthetic and compatible with nature which is suitable that to the mountain, forest and protection regions of natural or urban. It is 100% made of wood. The most appropriate structure for health. It does not need any concrete foundation to anywhere, which it mean was construction activity. If it is neccessary, possible to remove and transport it. Serander has a very wide area to construct, all kinds of suitable places in the city or countryside.
Only your dreams & visions determines what to do about Serander to where and for what reasons….